Sunday, May 30, 2010

Introductions : "The Magician & his Dragon"

"Wait, they're here? They're back??"

"Aye missy, ye don'afta be nervous t'all. I mean 'ey if we didn' like ya, wouldn'ta saved ya. HAR HAR HAR!"

With that deep chuckle, he slapped me on the back, knocking me forward on to the floor, where I found myself staring at a pair of rather nice shiny, black shoes. Then a white -gloved hand (with the fingertips cut out) appeared in front of my face.

"Let me help you up, there. Ol' "Scruffybear" doesn't know his own strength."

I took the hand and it pulled me to my feet, and now I was gazing into the kind face of a man, well-dressed, dark glasses, and an unmistakable top hat.
This had to be Huey.

"Oy there!" the Captain bellowed, "Ye don' be callin' me thaht! No pet names for this bear I tell ye! I'll slice yer innards up and cook'em in oil and gobble 'em up for me supper if ye call me thaht again!"

Huey was unmoved. In fact, the half-smirk on his face expanded to a full grin.

"You always say that. Drama bear." He rolled his eyes, and turned to me.

"My name is Huey," he said gently as he took off his hat and bowed, "This stuffed-animal and myself were the ones who saved you the other night. Got to be careful out on those streets. Bad folks and rough times. Quite fortunate we were around. How are you feeling today, Miss....Casey, right?"

"Yes, but you can call me Case if you want. Most people do."

"I like Casey actually. Makes me think of Casey Jones."

"Haha, sure. I mean I wish. He made the name Casey cool, after all. Can't fight like him though."

"That can be remedied."

Huey had a kind disposition, but he was definitely mysterious. And the Captain was right, from looking at his attire, you'd think he stepped out of an 19th century novel. He looked like a sort of Sherlock Holmes gone "magician".
Then came the noise....


I jumped--As if out of no where, a silvery dragon appeared on Huey's shoulder, its long, thin tail curling around him gently. It was about the size of a small dog, and its skin was bright, shiny, almost metallic in appearance. This must have been the dragon the Captain told me about, but seeing it was still a shock. I was literally stunned.

"Hush Monte!" Huey stroked the dragon's long neck that was stretching towards me, "This is our friend, Miss Casey. We stopped those men from hurting her, remember? So be nice to her."

I guessed that this creature's neck was like that soft spot on a dog's belly. As soon as it was stroked, the dragon calmed down almost immediately, even making a sound reminiscent of a cat purring.

"Monte's a mercury dragon, in case you are wondering. Found him about a year ago. Can't tell you where I'm afraid. No one knows. It's classified information. Would be too risky to tell."

"So what do you tell people who ask you?"

"Well, usually he stays hidden, or on occasion I don't bring him along, but that is very rare. Otherwise, I just tell people I like to dress up my poodle."

Monte growled.

Huey laughed.

I smiled.

And the Captain....was snoring.

I looked over and he was sitting in on one of the couches, his head back, big jaws open, snoring rather loudly.
Huey whispered to me,

"Ol' fool's had a long couple of days. Not sleepin' much. I believe it is because he is worried and anxious about his crew on mission."

"I see. Ah, poor fellow. I'm sure they are okay, though."

At that moment, more noise came--banging, clanging, footsteps, voices.

More were returning.....

Friday, May 14, 2010

Nine Companions....

**(Continued from first post)**


"Wow, that is lucky. And yes, agreed. Those scones were quite good."

"Aye nuttin' like a good blooburry scone. Though, ol' Mitzy be luvin' those burries most of all."


"Har Har, okayeee then. I s'ppose I should tell ya 'bout me team."

"Yes, please do."

--And so he began to tell me about each member of his group. Though the good Captain's accent was thick, I was getting used to it and his "pirate slang". I could write out how he described it word-for-word, but writing in his tongue is tricky, so I'll "translate" for the most part:
Huey, he described to be a magician of sorts; very clever with spells, potions, tricks, and the like. The Captain remarked he is one of the most well-spoken people he's met, and entirely the gentleman (though presently I have come to see that they all are....each in his own way). He owns a small mercury dragon, whom he has named Monte (a "cheeky litt'l un"--to quote the Captain). Huey is also the only member of the team from another time period (or so it has been said)---he is a magician after all. And a brilliant one.
Plus, a magician never reveals his secrets. In terms of his abilities, the ol' pirate bear said he's still the most enigmatic of the bunch. Always has something up his sleeve....literally.

"Argh, I've seen doves fly outta 'is pants, I did!"

He mentioned Boots next, since he was the "leader". Everything they do is really a group effort, but the Captain said, "Bootsey really be the one tha pull'd us all togethar. 'Ee start'd this 'ole thing."
They are a bunch of renegades with some rather super abilities, all working together for a greater good, but also relate to each other well.
Boots was the glue.

"Yah can go to 'im for anyting, anyting at all. 'Ees always got arr backs. Plus 'ee knows how to grill a mean berrgrr. An' ee'll even cook me a good fish now and then. But 'ees wise, m'dear, so very wise. Would swear 'ee descended from them jedi folk beyond the stahrs..."
Then came Doc...
Charismatic and energetic, and a real party animal. But no dope. He used to be a doctor, but that lifestyle got to him after a while. Those skills come in handy, however. He's the second oldest (next to the Captain), and has seen much. He's one of the head pilots of the ship. He spent a good few years in the military, so the guy is practically fearless.
Mitz is the only real "non-fighter" of the team, lashing out only in self-defense. But he doesn't use any physical objects, save his bo-staff/walking stick (which he doesn't really need) because he can walk just fine, and also because the guy can levitate and basically floats around the base.

"Act'lly yud be tankin' 'im fer gettin' yer tail sav'd too, since 'ee request'd the blooburry scones...HAR HAR HAR!"

Yea, he's got a tooth as sweet as his disposition. He's key to the team for sure, especially since he's got some pretty amazing healing ablities.

Staub, he described to be their "scout"; a guy with eyes as big as his (which would give any anime character a run for his money), is a born look-out.

" 'Ees small 'n spry as they come. Tha lil punk always be climbin' tha walls and trippin' us with 'is webbish-wire....argh. Pain in the arse, but we love 'im. 'Eee really jus' loves ter make all us laugh. If anytin' 'ee'll keep us alive longer!"

His tongue is as sharp as his wit, often working closely with Boots to think out things, make plans, set courses....and play guitar.
Yosh is their brains of the operation.
Granted they all share this in some way, but Yosh is your go-to-for-technical stuff. But this doesn't mean he can't fight, which is very reminiscent of both jedi and ninja-like tactics. He's usually at the controls, working alongside Boots---both know the ship better than anyone else.

"Pahrt elf, 'ee is yknow!"

Indeed. The pointed ears are a definite giveaway.

"Oi, I should mention, " the Captain then said, "Thaht we have a few multiple personaliteees goin' on 'ere."

"Oh really?"

"Aye. Two of us."

KiTap has an alter-ego, which is really his super-power.
They call him "Blerpman". He's a bright green dude, pretty ripped, and pretty crazy. He's super fast, strong, and all around good to have in a scrap. KiTap himself is pretty normal, and he doesn't have to be Blerpman to fight well---he's good with both a gun and a blade. But perhaps his most beloved power (amongst his teammates...)

"Arrr, 'is COOKIEEEES!"

...and then he mentioned something about "burrito dicks".....

...I didn't ask.

Glitch (aka Nick) has a similar thing going on. He's a good guy all around, and is rarely seen without a camera. But his "other self", whom they've dubbed "AlterNick" is perhaps the strangest thing out of anything and everything else within this team. He appears anytime Glitch is near something that shows his reflection--mirrors, glass, get it.
But NO ONE else can see AlterNick.
Only Glitch.

"Ol' Doc claims 'ee can see 'im, but I dunno. We believe 'ees there. A'first we tahht tha he just was all skitzy, er sometin', but ahfter a few strange incidents, yar...we believe 'im. Alt'rNick's a crazy 'un."

He's crazy and smart, but mostly crazy. I think of it as like a Stanley Ipkiss/The Mask sort of complex.

There are photos up around the ship of everyone......but not AlterNick.

"So love, thas me team."

"They sound wonderful."

"Oi, I jus reeelized! I never ahsked yer name!"

"Haha, it's Case. But I figured you would have found that out already."

"Har Har! Act'lly yer right, we all know it already....Jus' want'd to be polite!"

At that moment, I heard a loud slam...

"Ahh! Tink thaht be them now!
Time ter meet yer new friends, Miz Case..."


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Up, Up, and.....



Once upon a time....a very uneventful time, there lived a young artist.
And as talented as she was, she had trouble finding her place in the world. So, she set off on a journey of sorts. This journey had no real direction, and she had no idea what she was specifically searching for.
If anything, she hoped that one day, it would hit her....

...and on an evening a few months ago, something did. Really hard, actually. Hurt a lot.

(**shift to first person**)

I was meandering the streets of a nameless town (they all begin to look the same after a while), at night, by myself...Yeah, I was bit down. I had spent that evening in a run-of-the-mill coffee shop, with my sketchpad as my usual date to keep me company. After about six cups of herbal tea and a surprisingly tasty blueberry scone, I paid the check, tipped the waitress, nodded to the dude behind the counter, and left.

The wind bit my face, and as I sighed, I watched my breath take to the air. I can't recall exactly how late it was, but it had to be nearing midnight. Not smart to be a 20-something female in an unfamiliar town, wandering the streets so late...but time had kind of slipped away from me at that point. My feet began walking...I think they were headed back to the motel I was staying at....I'm assuming anyway since my mind was elsewhere.

The events that followed were all a blur.

I just remember being grabbed, knocked down, a SWOOOOSH noise, a flash of a cape, a lot of shouting.....and then nothing.
I blacked out.

When I came to, I realized two things:

1) My head hurt like a bitch (due to the golf-ball sized lump that had formed at back of it)

2) This sure as hell was not my motel room.

As my blurry vision cleared, I glanced around, trying to take in my surroundings.
I was lying on a couch, with a black fleece blanket draped over me. The room I was in was actually a smaller section of a larger area, like a huge lair. My section was dim, but I could see to where it opened up. The sunlight poured in from these rounded skylights to fit the domed form of the ceiling.
I remember being awed by that sight for a few minutes before snapping back to reality.....Where the hell was I?

Oh, there was another thing I noticed.
I was alone.
The only sound I heard was my own breathing, and a muffled whirring noise, like that of an engine or something. It was actually pretty soothing to the ears, but as my senses returned I felt the need to find out what was going on.

I got up too fast. The dizziness nearly made me fall over, but I regained my bearings and cautiously began to inch my way around this new environment. When I got to the center of this "lair", I once again found myself looking up at the domed ceiling. As I gazed at the sky, I saw that the clouds were passing by at an unusually fast pace.....which could mean one thing.

Wherever I was, it was moving.
Alarmed, I quickly trotted over to another section of the lair to find a window. I was correct, but didn't really expect what I saw.
It was not only moving, but FLYING.

And I uttered my first words since the day before, "I'm on a ship?"


The loud, gravely voice made me jump, and I whirled around to face this large figure towering over me. As he stepped forward, I took in his appearance.
He looked like a pirate....and a bear.
Two things I would never put together in a million years.

I was looking at a god-damned pirate-bear.

He wore a tricorn with a large, red plume exploding out of its right side. He tipped it up to reveal a reddish-brown face, furry, tough-looking, but not repulsive at all (I mean he was a bear after all). A black eye-patch covered his right eye, which I'm guessing was an aquamarine color since his other eye (the one looking at me) was. It glittered like a gem, and I found myself feeling not quite as intimidated. He gave a slight chuckle,

"Startle ya, did I?"

My throat was dry, but I managed to croak out a response,

"Just a bit...."

He laughed. And I mean he laughed. Like one of those big ol' belly HAR HAR HARs. Actually, he grabbed his belly when he laughed this time, and I saw he had a metal claw where his left paw would have been. I was stunned. He noticed.

"Arrr, now missy, don't be alarmed. I know ye must have many'a question in that litt'l 'ead of yahrs, and I promise ye shall have yur answers. Mos' 'mportant ting is thaht yur safe now..."

And then he placed his right paw over his chest,

"Cahp'n's wuurd."

I actually grinned at this. Seeing a bear dressed as a pirate, with his snout in the air, his paw across his chest, making a solemn swear that I was in good hands---I couldn't help it.

"Many thanks to you mister....uh...."

"CAHP'N GRIZZLY!" he bellowed with pride, "But y'should call me Cahp'n....fer now aneeways. When we be better pals, y'can call me Grizz."
He winked.

I laughed and bowed, "Pleasure to make your acquaintance, good Captain."

"HOHO, yar a reeeal sweet'art! I think I be takin' a likin' to ya me litt'l mullet! Glad we fownd ya when we did."

"We're you the one who rescued me?"

"Aye, one of 'em."

"I heard a whooshing noise, and I thought I saw a cape..."

"Har Har! Well that t'weren't me. " the Captain said, and whirled around in a circle, "As yeh can see, I don't 'ahve no cape. Just me lucky coat. No, thaht'd been ol' 'Uey."


"Aye. 'Uey the Magnificent", he chucked, "Ahh but we just call 'im 'Uey. Tha rest's all title an' nonsense, but 'ee likes it. Urned it 'ee did, thaht's for shur. Ye be meetin' 'im soon. Yeh'll meet 'em all soon. They be out gettin' supplies, an' they wanted yeh to rest. I volunteered to watch ther ship 'eere, an' keep my eye on yeh.....oh 'AYY! GET IT? Keep my EYE on ya---CUZ I ONLY GOT 'UN! Har Har!"

I couldn't help but laugh.
I liked this bear.

"So, how many of you are there?.....and.....what are you exactly? Are you all pirate bears?"

The Captain pulled over a chair, and motioned me to have a seat on the couch behind me.

"Naw, not all bears. Thahts just me an' me own crew."

"You have your own crew?"

"Carse I do! I am a Cahp'n, ahfter all! This ship we be on right now, ain't MY ship. My ship be an actual pirate ship. 'Cept me ship can fly like this one 'eere too. Right now me crew is off on another mission in the South Pacific. Good lads, though. They'll take care of me dear Treadwell."

"That her name? The Treadwell?"

"Aye, tis indeed. Good girl she is. 'Ahd her for two score 'n fahrty days---to 'is day."

"My, you've been around a while, huh Captain?"

"Mmm, I 'ahve. And I ain't keelin' o'er anytime soon. Pirate-bears last a good long time, they do!"

"That is what about the "crew" of this ship?"

"Ahh, me messmates. Aye, these lads be more of my family. Thar be nine of us in all."

"Wow...good number."

"Yar, an' we all are quite different, but we mesh togethar well. Like fish n' chips n' tartar sahrce!"

"Can you tell me about them?"

"Carse I will, but 'afore I do, I tink I should explain why 'Uey an' I were in thaht litt'l town where we sav'd ya."

"Yeah, I was actually kind of wondering about that.....I mean of all the places to be in..."

"Yeh wer lucky, miss. Lucky indeed.
Yeh just happened to be right near the place with the best blooburry scones on tha planet.


(to be continued......)