Friday, June 4, 2010

Introductions: Floating, Baking, Joke-making.

At that moment, something...or someone....whizzed by my head. A blur of bright blue flitted around the lair, doing a complete circle before stopping and hovering a few feet away from me and Huey.

The breeze created from this blue blur made the Captain stir in his sleep, but with another snort from his wet, black nose, he was back to his nap.

The blur was indeed another member of the team. It was Mitz. His eyes matched his cerulean robes and they looked at me, glistening with interest,

"Ahh you! The girl we rescued near the place with the scones! Good to see you are up and about!"

I wanted to respond, but the fact he was still hovering put me in an awed state. It was so cool.

"Yes, I'm alright, thanks to you guys."

Mitz closed his eyes for a moment and nodded.

"I'm telling you! Cannons at the back of the ship! Or some kind of laser-gun-whathaveyou! We should be covered on all sides just in case!"

The sudden loud outburst came from across the room and I saw more figures entering.

"Doc, you know how crazy that sounds right now? Even if we got them, we'd need help installing all the shit. AKA Grizz's crew. We would need the manpower!"

"Or bear-power...."

"Hah. Right Yosh, thank you."

Doc, Staub, and Yosh were discussing extra weaponry for the ship, arguing and bickering (though much of it light-hearted), but when they saw us standing there, amused from their chatter, they froze.

"HEY! Look who's alive!"

Doc ran over to me and literally did one of those "hug-lift-spin-arounds" (twice) before putting me back down and patting me on the back. "Nice to see you, Miss Casey!"

"Dude, she just had a minor concussion and now you probably just made her nauseous." Staub poked.

"Nah, I'm fine. Nice introduction there...Doc is it?"

"Yep. And that little pest there is Staub, and this is Yosh."

Yosh nodded, "Greetings. Welcome back. How's your head?"

"Ahh still a bit sore, but I'm great. The ol' Cap'n took care of me."

We all looked over at the slumbering heap of fur, drooling all over his green, velvet coat, and laughed.

"Hibernation's early this year." Staub joked. "Alright. Chow time. You're probably starving, Casey. We'll get ya something."

Food/hunger hadn't even occurred to me until that moment when Staub mentioned it. It was as if his words suddenly flipped a switch and my stomach growled. It had been a while and the last thing I had was tea and a scone.

"Now that you mention it, I think I am a bit hungry."

"Staub, see where Boots and KiTap are at," Mitz suggested as he continued to hover around, "They should cook us up somethin'"

"Boots is probably back at the control center, but hang on a sec."

Staub pushed up one of the sleeves of his leather jacket to reveal a watch-looking device with a small screen on it. He pressed a button and spoke into it,

"Yo, where are you guys?"

KiTap replied,
"I'm on my way back now with Glitch--he wanted to shoot a few more pictures.....go figure. But Boots should be there before us. Said he wanted to cook up some grub before getting back to the controls."

"Excellent! We're all on the same page then. Thanks man, see you in a bit."

He pressed the button again and rolled his sleeve back down, "Grub on the way. Not sure what, but it's never bad."

"I kinda want cookies..." Mitz groaned.

"I heard KiTap bakes?" I remarked.

"Oh he does, very well. But we've noticed if he wears the pink apron with the little daffodils on it, the stuff comes out ten times better." Huey laughed.

"True story." Yosh agreed, "But I'm gonna get back to the controls. Auto pilot is fine for a while, but we should give the ol' ship's brain a break. Call me when the food's ready."

He turned and headed toward a huge metal door at the opposite end of the room, waved his hand over a glowing red panel, which turned green, and the door shot open . He walked through, said "close" and it shut.

"Whoa." Again I was awestruck.

"Haha, you're gonna see weirder stuff than that around here." Doc laughed, "Wait til you meet Alternick...."

(more soon guys!)

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