Monday, July 19, 2010


Imagine, if you will, a motorcycle.

Step it up a notch--- Imagine it belongs to Batman.
Sleek, black, dangerous and insanely fast-looking.

Now imagine it combined with a ship from Star Wars (like the Naboo Star Skiff or something).

That's Side-Splitter.
One crazy "shipbike".

It's Boots' pride and joy.

And he was going to use it to track down our missing comrade.

I watched him as he called out to Yosh, preparing his take-off from the main ship.
He kept his hood up, his black cloak swirled around him. The large scar across his face, made his already stern look appear even moreso.
But there was not an ounce of anger in his expression.
Looked more like a mixture of determination....

...and worry.


It was Mitz.

"I'm coming with you."

Boots looked at him, unmoved. He raised one eyebrow.
And as the same look of determination flooded Mitz's face, Boots smirked.

"Yes. All right. Get on, buddy.
YOSH! The hatch! We're set!!"

Yosh was at the control panel nearby, swiftly saluted his friends, and hit a large button on his left.
I was standing right next to him, taking all of this in.

A hatch door opened like metal jaws, and you could see the white wisps of clouds below.

Boots revved the SS and we watched the sides of it glow a weird, neon green. Then it shot out, and was gone.

I closed my gaping jaw quickly.

Yosh sighed.

"Whoo man, I really hope they find him. Staub's pretty smart and doesn't usually overreact. And when he does occasionally get mad, it blows off quickly.....but recently,,,,,ever since the incident with the Cube---mentioning it throws him off.....I don't know..."

I placed a hand on the half-elf's shoulder,

"I'm sure he'll be fine. Like you said, he's smart enough. "

"Yes but, does things to you.....if it takes over."

"Well you know him better than I do....Would he..."

"No. No I don't think so. He really is not as crazy as he seems to be sometimes."

Yosh still looked worried. His forehead was glistening. I took a crumpled tissue out of my pocket and handed it to him,

"Boots and Mitz will find him, Yosh."

"I know."

"Try not to fret too much."

"You don't understand, Miss Case," he turned to me, "This thing could dangerous. And I am afraid we haven't even seen the best of what it can do. Honestly, I feel like either way, it is a no-win situation. If we let it survive, it will keep hunting us.....If we destroy gives the law more reason to take serious action against us."

"Ever think of going to the police and just offering your services to help---I mean that's what you are doing."

Yosh shook his head and removed his glasses, "It isn't so simple. Believe me.....I wish it were."

I didn't know what to say to him at that point, so I did the only other thing I could think of.

I hugged him.

He smiled.
"Thanks. Funny how those always seem to help."

I laughed, "I do what I can."

Just then there was a blue light flashing at the controls.
We stepped over to see what it was.

"Ahh! Incoming message from.....Oh....Pepper!"


"Another comrade of ours. She's been out in her ship surveying the area where Grizz's crew was. That's why you haven't seen her yet. She's a spunky and spirited one. She's supposed to be keeping us posted on what's going on, and we were getting worried because we hadn't heard from her or his crew. This is good....I hope."

He hit another button and a screen came on.
A pretty firey-haired girl appeared on the screen. Her eyes were a lavenderish color, and flashed with concern.

I'm sorry I didn't report sooner....There's....."

(she choked a bit)

"There's been a battle....a big one, Yosh....I...I fought....."

She winced, and then lifted her chin,

"We fought....Grizz's crew was attacked. They were boarded by neighboring pirates in the area. I did my best to take some of them out, but I didn't want to shoot the Treadwell...."

"Did you shoot their ship?"

"Yes. Done. First thing I did. It "sleeps with the fishes", as they say....but sir....Grizz's crew......took a real bad hit. The ship's banged up.....but.....he lost men......"

"How many, Pep?"

Her bright eyes were glistening, and she gulped,

"About half, Yosh.......not good. Grizz is gonna....."

I admired at how cool Yosh was acting now, after being so worried about Staub and the others.
I suppose when the situations are dire, you gotta step up, and put on your strongest face.
Boots wasn't there.
He wasn't giving orders.

Yosh had the reigns for now.

"Pep, I'll tell him--"

"No! No Yosh. I will. It was my assignment, hence no matter what the outcome, it is my duty to report."

"You sure?"


"Alright. Make sure the rest of the crew is secure. Send them back to us. And then get your butt back here. You need a rest."

She chuckled a little bit,
"Man, you aren't kidding. I might start drinking....
Anyway, I'll make sure the rest are good to go, and report back to Grizz shortly. I'll be in touch with you and Boots as soon as I know when I'll be on my way back."

"Sounds good....And Pepper?"


"You did good. None of us could have done any better."

She gave a sad smile,
"Appreciate it, Yosh. I just.....I wish......I wish I could have saved all of them."

"Don't beat yourself up. Grizz will be upset, but not at you. Trust me.
He was aware of the danger, And so was his crew. You did us all proud, m'dear."

"Thanks Yosh.
I'll talk to you guys soon.
Over and out."

The screen went off.
We were silent for about a minute. Yosh rubbed his forehead.

"Quite a day....."

"Yeah," I said, "And we still have the Staub situation going on."

"Wow...almost forgot about that...."

He sighed again, and slumped into his chair at the controls and touched his temples.
Without looking at me, he said,

"Glad you are around. The extra care will be needed."

And amidst all the chaos,

I smiled.

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